Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Day 9 - Home at Last

Sunday, October 24, 2005

The next morning, I woke up early, got ready and packed up my things. I called Jason on one of the Mickey Mouse two-way radios we had brought on the trip, but he didn’t answer. I thought that maybe he hadn’t turned his radio on. So, I decided to call his room. No answer. As it was ringing, I realized I had dialed the wrong room so I hurriedly slammed down the phone. I hoped that I hadn’t woken someone up. I dialed the correct room number but Jason didn’t answer. I gave him a few minutes and tried again, still no answer. Finally, I went and knocked on his door. He had just woken up but hadn’t heard the phone. We realized that for some reason the ringers don’t work when calling room to room. Anyway, he quickly got ready and we were on our way.

Today was going to be a long day, with 700 miles to cover. We successfully maintained a 60 mile per hour average, including all stops for restrooms and gas. We made our last stop for gas in Ashland, Oregon, located right on the California-Oregon border. At this point, it felt like we were almost home, even though we still had 300 miles to go. Slowly, the miles clicked away and we gradually began to see more familiar landmarks. Finally, we reached home. We unpacked the car and collapsed, vowing next time to fly instead of drive.

Overall, we had the best time we had ever had at Disneyland. Even with the rain (which kept the crowds down), it was an amazing trip. We did many things that we had never done before. This included the Mysteries, Myths and Legends tour and the Walk in Walt’s Footsteps tour. We ate in places we had never tried before, like the Carnation Café, the Wine Country Tratorria, the Blue Ribbon Bakery and the Gibson Girl Ice Cream Parlor. Each day was a nice combination of rides, shopping, and entertainment. Taking the time to go back to the room for a rest in the early afternoon made all the difference in my energy level. On our next trip, we’ll wait however long we need to in order to get water side seating at the Blue Bayou. Also, next time we’ll fly down instead of drive. It’s a long, brutal drive. By flying, we’ll eliminate two travel days that we could instead spend at the Resort.


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